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Branded Lifestyle Products 🎁😃

Printed fans, branded toys and games, and more

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Personal Bag Hook
Personal Oximeter
Monopoly Travel Edition
Premium Cotton T-Shirt
Luggage combination lock
8cm Carabiner - Revised Prices!
First Aid Case
First Aid Case
First Aid Pouch
First Aid Pouch
Danta Silicon Luggage Tag
Danta Silicon Luggage Tag
Stylish Canvas Drink Holder
Stylish Canvas Drink Holder
KeyMaster Multi-tool
KeyMaster Multi-tool
WaterH Boost Smart Water Bottle (32oz)
WaterH Boost Smart Water Bottle (32oz)
High Speed Handheld Fan
Portable Waist Hanging Fan
Portable Waist Hanging Fan
Ice Chilled Handheld Fan
Ice Chilled Handheld Fan
BreezeMate Portable Mini Fan
Portable Mini Handheld Fan
Travel Tech Organizer Pouch
Docklands Toiletry Bag
Docklands Toiletry Bag
Richfield Cooler Bag
Richfield Cooler Bag
The Ultimate Travel Pro Set
The Ultimate Travel Pro Set
Mini Makeup Bag
Mini Makeup Bag
Travel Rewards Luggage Set
Bamboo Travel Gift Set

Branded Lifestyle Products 🎁😃

Our Lifestyle Products range includes a selection of products that promote your brand in a personal way.

We have a range of printed fans for any budget. Our personalised hygiene and grooming products include public health products and printed mirrors, branded towels and vanity sets.

We have printed pillboxes and piggy banks, plastic flower vases, and personalised travel cushions. And we have toys and games that can be personalised with your brand or logo. It’s a bit of a mix. Maybe we should have a word with the BrandHK Category Team!


Ordered customised mugs for an event. They were of good quality, done professionally and delivered on time. Kudos to good service from the customer service rep, Raymond.

- ULI Asia Pacific

I found them to be a very professional and well-organised company

- Sofie - Education University of Hong Kong

The team is friendly and professional, and always respond quick on my requests and queries.

- Edwards Lifesciences

We received our bags and pens printed well in advance of the event, and the quality was excellent.

- Joanne Tang: William Select

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Prices are exclusive of setup, delivery and taxes. No taxes are applied in Hong Kong. Please note that lead times are exclusive of delivery or shipping time.
Prices and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

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