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無論身處香港、新加坡還是澳洲,品牌印花雨傘絕對是亞太地區求生裝備。一把優質品牌雨傘能扺擋傾盆大雨的襲擊,抑或避免烈日高空的煎熬,絕對是受歡迎的品牌推廣工具。 跟據調查報告,在美國有45% 的成年人擁有定製品牌雨傘,近2億人會攜帶品牌雨傘!


時尚的品牌宣傳傘提升您的公司專業形象是不可或缺的,我們的設計團隊能助您選擇附合要求的產品和提供印刷技術等。品牌雨傘是成功促銷禮品,一般客戶使用平均14 個月,我認識一位客戶,保留同一品牌高爾夫傘達 10 年之久,延長宣傳潛力這方面是非常大的!事實上,在印刷雨傘的整個生命週期中,您的商標被看到的機會超過 1000 次;即是說低於 AUD0.01,而Google 網絡廣告每費用約為 AUD0.77,因此普遍雨傘的成本效益卻比網絡廣告高出 10 倍以上!


Golf Umbrella - bespoke
Full Color Print Golf Umbrella
Windproof Golf Umbrella

BrandHK Express 3 Fold Umbrella
3 Fold Umbrella - Bespoke




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Really outstanding customer service which absolutely exceeded expectations. Super responsive and helpful all the way through.

- Jonathan, The Hong Kong Legal Walk

Just wanted to email you in person and commend the work put in by Mr. Raymond Cheng. He is an exceptional salesperson & managed to help us very well. All the employees at my company LOVED the merch!

- Senior Business Development Manager, TOPO

The team is friendly and professional, and always respond quick on my requests and queries.

- Edwards Lifesciences

I really enjoyed the experience with BrandHK.

- Senior Marketing Manager, Fresenius Kabi

Nice company, nice staff, nice products and nice service. Products are popular among our global customers. Very happy to cooperate with such a great team!

- Microchip Technology Hong Kong

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