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5 best desktop corporate gifts for 2019

5 best desktop corporate gifts for 2019

With the average Hong Konger spending seven and a half hours a day at the office the desktop is without a doubt the most valuable piece of corporate gift real estate in town. Where else do you get the chance to drip feed your brand for half someone’s waking hours? Given huge Hong Kong rents, desks are getting smaller so winning a spot in clear view takes some careful thinking.

It’s vital to pick the right gift that will get that conspicuous spot on the desk rather than being shoved into a drawer where your brand won’t be seen. As with all corporate gift the more functional it is the more likely it will be used. Below I’ve listed my pick of the five best desktop gifts.

1 - Memo & writing pads

While not exciting, memo pads are extremely functional and get a lot of use. They are still one of our top selling products and have the benefit of being shared in the office. Pick a sticky memo pads and you’ll find your logo stuck on screens and desks all over the office.

2 - Coffee mugs

one of the most beloved of all the corporate gifts. I recently went to a friend’s house and spotted a BAML mug we’d made. The most exceptional part of this gift is not how much my friend enjoyed the gift, but that she’d received it 5 years ago and it was still sending out its marketing message true and strong.
Bristol 筆

3 - Pens

Writing instruments are still the third largest corporate gifting sector after wearables and drinkware. Pens, highlighters and markers are fundamentally useful and will almost always be kept. While a relatively cheap item, because of the sheer volume of pens being handed out it’s important you go for the best quality. I always push customers towards a European made ink and nib even if the pen body is from China. There is nothing worse for your brand than to be giving out cheap scratchy pens that skip or run out of ink after 5 minutes.

4 - Charging cables

with the surge in personal electronic devices we’ve found the charging cable has become one of the most popular desktop gifts. Whether you need to charge your smartwatch, Bluetooth headphones or phone, multi charging cables have become a desktop necessity.
Don’t forget to make sure you get all the connectors you need – usb, mini usb, C Type and the lightning cable.
The one I like – a sort of Swiss Army Knife style with all the connectors neatly folding up inside

5 - Cable organisers

Bringing calm and serenity to the tangle of wires on the desktop will really put your brand in front of customers. The great thing about the cable organizer is that once it’s been setup the chances of it being moved are extremely small. If you can get a cable organizer on your customers desktop, expect it to stay there for years gently reminding your customer what an awesome company you are.

The customer’s desktop has always been the most important place to get your message across and will remain so for years to come. However, with the move towards ‘hot desking’ and shared office space we’ve been tailoring our collection to suit a more flexible workforce. Expect more personal electronic accessories from us which I feel will be the hot ticket in 2019!

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